Friday, January 8, 2016

Picking Favorites

Hey there pals,
In my future profession (#earlyeducation), picking favorites is highly frowned upon. Therefore, I have to pick favorites somewhere else.

Favorite Bomb: Twilight
Twilight is my shit. I'm a sucker for lavender and tonka, so when they're mixed together, I'm basically screwed. TWILIGHT IS SO GOOD. The comforting smell of sugary lavender can calm the world of anxieties, and the gray-purple shimmering water is beautiful to relax in. Runners up include Avobath, Phoenix Rising (RIP), and Rose Bombshell. It's not the most expensive of bombs ($7ish), and big enough that if one really wanted to, I suppose they could cut it in half.

Favorite Bubble Bar: Ultraviolet
I lied, Ultraviolet is my shit. Upon first sniff, I hated it. But I'm also a sucker for bright colors and shimmer, and I figured it was a limited edition product so I may as well try it. I should've bought 70. It's now one of my favorite scents, and it lasts FOREVER. Seriously, because I'm so afraid of having none left, I chopped it into 10 bits, and each bit makes the water a beautiful lilac sparkly haven filled with shimmering bubbles. It's a similar size to The Comforter (which is also my shit), and I believe ran about $13. Runners up include Sunnyside and the aforementioned Comforter.

Favorite Shower Gel: Beautiful
This was tough. Shower gels are my true weakness, as my bathtub is kind of sad. I live vicariously through Instagram pictures of large tubs and jets. However, shower gels tend to leave you scented longer, which is always a plus. I love Beautiful, as it's glitter brings me such joy. The smell is gorgeous too, a sharp peach scent. Runners up include Twilight (bae), Rose Jam (also bae), and Grass (why do they always discontinue the best stuff c'mon Lush get with it)

Favorite Shower Jelly: Santa's Belly
This was the hardest choice. Shower jellies are my favorite (everything is my favorite I'm sorry). They're so fun and wiggly and moisturizing and UGH I LOVE THEM. Santa's Belly smells of crisp apples, another weakness of mine. I'm allergic to raw apples, so I have to live vicariously through apple juice and apple smells. I also adore Whoosh (citrus is my best friend), and Nightwing (but purely for scent value, it's quite messy in use).

Other Favorites:
We all know my love of Don't Look at Me. Let the Good Times Roll, Ultrabland, Rub Rub Rub, and American Cream are my general routine products, with a splash of Eau Roma Water and a dusting of First Snow (my first and all-time favorite product. My gateway drug, if you will. Sparkles are my thing)

These are just a few of my favorites. I generally enjoy most products quite a bit, unless they're spicy. No spicy for me.

See you later!

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