Friday, January 8, 2016

Let the Good Times Roll All Over My Face

Bon soir, mes amis

Where Angels on Bare Skin failed me, Let the Good Times Roll brought me right back. 
(picture from

Lemme tell you a story.

On that same fateful day as I picked up my sworn enemy, I also snagged some LTGTR. Now, in my excitement, I didn't smell it. Great choice!

Also, I hate popcorn. I'm sorry, I know I'm the worst.

Anywho, before opening this one, I read some more reviews. Pretty favorable!

But, these same reviews turned me in the wrong direction before, so we'll see.

I opened the pot, and was met with the aroma of kettle corn and sweet caramel, similar to my favorite Popcorn lip scrub.

I basically wanted to eat it (it doesn't taste terrible, oops)

Anyway, I tried it, still apprehensive. And let me tell you, this cleanser is like the ice cream after a bad break up. Smells great, and is always there for you.

It gently exfoliates, leaving your skin radiant. I'd reckon it's gentle enough for my sensitive sisters, but that remains to be seen. And a small, pea-sized chunk will do you! My small tub (around $14) has lasted me for longer than a year, so it's great bang for the buck. It's moisturizing too. I'm terribly at keeping a great routine, but I can tell you I didn't need to moisturize after this. It's basically the best cleanser to ever exist ever.

Grade: A

Excuse me while I sniff my face.

Angels Ain't on My Skin

Hello dearest Lushies,

I'm about to say something that will result in masses outside my door, holding torches and pitchforks, ready to behead me.

Are you ready for confession? I'm not sure I am...

(picture from

I don't like Angels on Bare Skin.

Sorry, what?

Yeah, it's not really my jam. You would think with my easy skin and my love of lavender, it would be right up my alley.

Honestly, the smell kind of makes me sick.

But don't let me get ahead of myself. I'll tell you the story.

When I first became a baby Lushie, I wracked the web for reviews. I had not much money to work with, and I could only choose a select few items. Everyone and their sister were singing the praises of this rolled cleanser, and for $13 a pot, I gave it a try. The reviews said it lasted for months, and cures all sorts of ailments, from dry skin to brassy hair.

I rushed home, straight to my bathroom sink. I opened the pot, and was met with a stench. Granted, I've never liked the smell of nuts. But lavender! Lavender has never steered me wrong!

Ugh. This was another one that warmed my face in that unpleasant way that tells you that something may be slightly off. I washed it off, disappointed that I hadn't turned into the radiant unicorn princess the reviews promised I'd be, and smelled the rest of my goodies (neroli and tonka have never betrayed me to this day).

The next morning, I awoke to a throbbing sensation under my nose. To my surprise, there was a whitehead making itself at home. Awesome! Now, I probably can't blame this on Angels on Bare Skin. It was a stressful week. But, I blamed the cleanser anyway.

Grade: C+

Later lusherinas!

Grass is Always Greener

Good evening palerinos!

Tonight, we mourn a favorite. A special favorite, whose aroma is currently wafting around my bathroom, swirling in it's wheatgrass glory.

(picture from

Grass shower gel.

Now, not everyone wants to smell like a lawn. I acknowledge this. However, the scent that invades your nostrils evokes such nostalgia. It brings me back to the miserable days of endless soccer practices, but without the running part. Seriously, many products claim to smell like a freshly manicured lawn, but this is the only cosmetic that truly nails it.

It's a shame it had to go.

Longevity wise, my one small bottle has lasted me a year and a half, and it's about halfway gone. You don't need a huge squirt to lather your bits; rather, a small drop will do you good. The lather is of the glorious moisturizing variety, but not oily. Nay, it leaves you feeling squeaky clean, but doesn't rob your skin of it's moisture.

Honestly, this shower gel is perfection. Great for cold New England days when all you want to see is some green, great for muggy, hellish summer days when all you need is to be refreshed.

Grade: A


Picking Favorites

Hey there pals,
In my future profession (#earlyeducation), picking favorites is highly frowned upon. Therefore, I have to pick favorites somewhere else.

Favorite Bomb: Twilight
Twilight is my shit. I'm a sucker for lavender and tonka, so when they're mixed together, I'm basically screwed. TWILIGHT IS SO GOOD. The comforting smell of sugary lavender can calm the world of anxieties, and the gray-purple shimmering water is beautiful to relax in. Runners up include Avobath, Phoenix Rising (RIP), and Rose Bombshell. It's not the most expensive of bombs ($7ish), and big enough that if one really wanted to, I suppose they could cut it in half.

Favorite Bubble Bar: Ultraviolet
I lied, Ultraviolet is my shit. Upon first sniff, I hated it. But I'm also a sucker for bright colors and shimmer, and I figured it was a limited edition product so I may as well try it. I should've bought 70. It's now one of my favorite scents, and it lasts FOREVER. Seriously, because I'm so afraid of having none left, I chopped it into 10 bits, and each bit makes the water a beautiful lilac sparkly haven filled with shimmering bubbles. It's a similar size to The Comforter (which is also my shit), and I believe ran about $13. Runners up include Sunnyside and the aforementioned Comforter.

Favorite Shower Gel: Beautiful
This was tough. Shower gels are my true weakness, as my bathtub is kind of sad. I live vicariously through Instagram pictures of large tubs and jets. However, shower gels tend to leave you scented longer, which is always a plus. I love Beautiful, as it's glitter brings me such joy. The smell is gorgeous too, a sharp peach scent. Runners up include Twilight (bae), Rose Jam (also bae), and Grass (why do they always discontinue the best stuff c'mon Lush get with it)

Favorite Shower Jelly: Santa's Belly
This was the hardest choice. Shower jellies are my favorite (everything is my favorite I'm sorry). They're so fun and wiggly and moisturizing and UGH I LOVE THEM. Santa's Belly smells of crisp apples, another weakness of mine. I'm allergic to raw apples, so I have to live vicariously through apple juice and apple smells. I also adore Whoosh (citrus is my best friend), and Nightwing (but purely for scent value, it's quite messy in use).

Other Favorites:
We all know my love of Don't Look at Me. Let the Good Times Roll, Ultrabland, Rub Rub Rub, and American Cream are my general routine products, with a splash of Eau Roma Water and a dusting of First Snow (my first and all-time favorite product. My gateway drug, if you will. Sparkles are my thing)

These are just a few of my favorites. I generally enjoy most products quite a bit, unless they're spicy. No spicy for me.

See you later!

Cage Match: Cranberry Fresh Face Mask v.s Don't Look at Me Fresh Face Mask

Howdy partners!
For my first post, I've pitted some fan faves against each other in the facial battle of the decade.

(image from

(image from

Now, full disclosure, Don't Look at Me is one of my holy grail products. Then again, I do have a lot of favorites. But Don't Look at Me is at least top ten. 
Now, for science reasons, I tested both of these masks on myself and a couple friends. In general though, we shared the same opinions, except on one major front, but we'll get to that. We had a nice sleepover, I did their hair and faces, we watched some Aziz Ansari, it was grand. Anywho, I'm going to grade these two masks on a number of factors. Let's get into it!

Don't Look at Me: I could smell this stuff all day. It brings me great joy and nostalgia, bringing me back to days of 8am wakeups and rushed breakfasts in order to make it to ballet in some semblance of the correct time. It smells like Fruit Loops, with a touch of freshly mowed grass. Odd combo, but it's heavenly. Personally, I find it smells similar to Love and Light hand cream (neroli yumminess)
Grade: A

Cranberry: Meh. I know I said I love fruity smells, but this has a hint of spice/warmth that unsettles me. Upon smelling it, I knew it would make my face burn. You know what I'm saying? It doesn't *really* smell of cranberries. It's the fennel. Fennel is not my friend. It smells of black licorice misery. 
Grade: C+

Don't Look at Me: This one clearly wins. It's bright blue and smooth, almost begging you to stroke it. It made me excited to smear it all over my face and leave it there for several minutes. It also lends itself to quite the selfie. Once on, it's still smooth and blue (and beautiful).
Grade: A

Cranberry: I'll give this one props for the color in the pot. It's a nice pink. However, once on your face, it makes you look sunburnt (at least for us extremely fair-skinned folk). It's also lumpy, which I'm not the biggest fan of. 
Grade: B-

Don't Look at Me: Dreamy. Smooth, spreads well, perfection. It doesn't dry on your face either. It's comfortable to wear, non-itchy, and overall just pleasant in all categories of wear.
Grade: A+

Cranberry: Ugh. This jerk of a mask is hard to spread evenly, likes to clump, and makes my face itchy. And the worst part: it burns! Burning may be a sign to some of a product working, but personally, I find burning to be a bad omen.
Grade: D

Don't Look at Me: My skin is smooth, matte, soft, and generally looking good. It doesn't make a huge difference, but it feels luxurious.
Grade: B

Cranberry: I will give it to this mask, it exfoliates. However, my skin was warm and red and not very thrilled. My friend with more oily skin loved it though. It shrank her pores and left her looking radiant. To each their own.
Grade: B

I love this baby so much. There is nothing you could tell me that would make me stray away from this holy grail mask. Price wise, Don't Look at Me is a couple dollars more ($10.95 v.s $8.95), but I easily get 6-8 uses out of a pot. It also last significantly longer than the expiration date when kept in the fridge. Money wise, it's totally worth it. 

Until next time!

Icebreakers Are So Fun for Everyone!

Hi friends!
I'm Bri, and I waste the grand portion of my money on Lush products! Woo!
Now, being a college student, I feel as though it's easy to waste all of your food money on products you may not end up liking. Sure, it's easy enough to Google a product and see the lowdown, but these opinions are from a variety of people who may not disclose their bias (skin type, how much bang for the buck, etc). So, I'm here to offer you reviews and thoughts from the viewpoint of someone who can't spend tons of cash.
Some things to note:

  • My skin is pretty laid back. I have some dry spots around my nose and my skin freaks out from soymilk, but otherwise I'm pretty lucky. 
  • My hair is precariously balanced. By that, I mean I've dyed the life out of it several times over, and therefore have quite the opinion on products that claim to be moisturizing.
  • I automatically prefer citrusy, fruity, and gentle floral scents to spicy or minty scents. That being said, I'll try to be objective on the genuine quality of the product.
That's about it! If you have any questions about me or any products you know you want me to review, go ahead and leave those in the comments! Talk (or write) to you soon!